Iowa is not among the 34 state, plus the District of Columbia, that have laws restricting SLAPPs, or strategic lawsuits against public participation.
For 60 years American journalists have relied on the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark First Amendment decision in New York Times v. Sullivan.
This week, a jury will hear the case of a protester who blocked traffic while demonstrating in Iowa City. Here’s what you need to know ahead of time.
Host Ben Kieffer and guests discuss the week's headlines from around the state, including the controversial Satanic Temple of Iowa display at the Capitol, UNI faculty criticizing the university for how it allocates funds and more.
Two lawsuits were filed this week challenging a state law that bans books that include sexual content from school libraries, among other things.
The U.S. Supreme Court issued an ethics code this week, without stipulating how the rules will be enforced.
The struggles and successes of newspapers in towns like Carroll amid recent crises such as the pandemic and declining revenues are chronicled in a new book.
What do North Dakota's most famous accordionist who died more than 30 years ago and a writer and musician living in Minneapolis have in common?
The struggles and successes of newspapers in towns like Carroll, Iowa amid recent crises such as the pandemic and declining revenues are chronicled in a new book.