The Midwest Newsroom is examining the effect that shorter school weeks are having in communities across Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. We invite you to share your opinion using the form in this article.
The Ice Age animal will be on display at the Prairie Trails Museum of Wayne County after its preservation is complete.
LGBTQ topics would be banned from middle school and high school curriculum under a bill advancing in the Iowa House that seeks to expand a law that currently applies to Kindergarten through sixth grade.
A federal court will rule for a second time on whether Iowa law can ban all books with sexual content from school libraries and prohibit teaching LGBTQ material in kindergarten through sixth grade.
The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services reported an increase in student sicknesses across the state this week. A few schools even closed because of high levels of absenteeism.
The House Higher Education Committee has honed in on standardizing general education requirements, banning schools from requiring DEI courses and preventing accreditors from penalizing colleges for following state law.
Iowa’s current draft of its K-12 science standards, which include changing the word “evolution” to “biological change over time,” has drawn ire from some parents, educators, students and residents across the state who say the wording changes water down scientific concepts.
After multiple budget cuts, Des Moines Public Schools wants to staunch the flow of students transferring out — along with their funding.
Six new charter schools were approved by the Iowa State Board of Education. The number continues to grow since the state passed a law allowing groups without ties to local public school systems to open charter schools.
Washburn has been dean of the law school since 2018. He says the Legislature has had a chilling effect on higher education.