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Power your advertising with public radio.

Our passionate fans could be your loyal customers.


Public Radio Sponsors See Greater Results

In a world of distractions, public radio listeners are engaged — on and off the air.


Listeners who take action in response to a public radio sponsorship message


Listeners who hold a more positive opinion of a company that supports public radio


Listeners who prefer to buy products or services from public radio sponsors

“We have continued to sponsor Iowa Public Radio even after tightening the belt on some of our other marketing efforts… We’ve heard many times, 'I heard your ad on public radio.' So we know they’re listening.”— Kristy Sagdelen KingBergland + Cram, Mason City

How Public Radio Sponsorship Works

  1. We work together to craft the right message and the right plan.
  2. Your radio spots are delivered by a trusted voice in a clutter-free environment.
  3. Our audience engages with your message — and acts on it!

Get More Than Radio Advertising

As a public radio sponsor, you get more out of every message than with traditional radio advertising. And when you expand your marketing beyond radio, you multiply the impact for your business or organization.

Podcast Sponsorship

Local podcasts. Loyal listeners. Sponsor a podcast exclusively or run your ads in all of our 5 podcasts.

Newsletter Advertising

Reach 35,000 regular readers. With sponsored content, banner ads and event listings across 6 newsletters, you have more ways to connect with your target audience.

Streaming Audio Advertising

Connect with the digital natives. Sponsorship on streaming platforms combines audio and visual messaging — doubling your impact.

Display Advertising

Expand your reach. Our website and app audiences differ from our listening audience so you can target more people in more ways.

Sponsored Email Marketing

Make your pitch. Nearly three-fourths of our audience prefers to buy from sponsors. Send a sponsored email to our loyal members to introduce your business or targeted offer.

Event Sponsorship

Join us live. Be a part of our in-person events to reach an engaged audience in a more intimate setting.

Become an Iowa Public Radio Sponsor

Join the hundreds of local businesses and organizations who support Iowa Public Radio — and enjoy the support of our 205,000 regular listeners. Call 515.725.1706 or submit your info to learn more about sponsorship.