DMACC is ending a food forest and urban prairie program that harvested fresh produce and rescued food waste around Des Moines, citing funding issues, aesthetic concerns and irrelevance to academic programs.
DMARC food pantries in Des Moines face even more stress on their budget deficit after seeing a record high demand for food assistance this holiday season.
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds’ request to send monthly food boxes to low income families over the summer, instead of sending them money for food, has been denied by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, leaving summer food assistance for at least 240,000 Iowa kids hanging in the balance.
World leaders and top experts in development, agriculture, economic policy, resource management and nutrition gather annually in Iowa for the Norman E. Borlaug International Dialogue.
Unemployment is low, job creation is robust and the economy is growing.
An ISU program has been effectively promoting rural development in the Kamuli district of Uganda for twenty years.
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds is once again rejecting a federal summer food assistance program for kids that would provide grocery money to food-insecure families next summer. She announced Thursday that she is instead seeking funding for monthly food boxes.
Local leaders in Cedar Rapids pitched in to fund a free meal site for children and adults this summer following Hy-Vee's decision to shutter a grocery store by the Wellington Heights neighborhood.
Members of the Food Systems Coalition discuss a new plan to promote sustainable local food production in Iowa, and Olympian and former Hawkeye basketball player Tomi Taiwo joins the show.
The Iowa Food System Coalition wants to make locally produced food the norm rather than an exception and released a 250-page plan to get there in the next decade.