Erin Jordan
Reporter, The Gazette-
Over a beer at Big Grove in Cedar Rapids, Iowa commentators discuss the latest headlines, including a recently passed foreign aid package and an Iowa law allowing teachers and school staff to carry guns in school.
Proposals to overhaul Iowa’s AEAs and address school safety, and a bill allowing state agencies to hire private auditing firms have been advanced by state lawmakers.
Our nation’s founders gathered in taverns for lively conversation — and during Pints & Politics presented by The Gazette and IPR — host Ben Kieffer and panelists do just that.
Gazette journalists discuss the latest political news over a brew for another Pints & Politics edition of River to River.
Congresswoman Mariannette-Miller Meeks claimed she received death threats this week, and a Democrat announced their campaign against incumbent Congresswoman Ashley Hinson.
Farmers are dealing with more and heavier rainfall events throughout the Upper Midwest. Some farmers install drainage tiles and trenches to handle the water, but that can lead to soil erosion and flooding downstream.