Author Jerry Harrington discusses his new book, Thunder from the Prairie: The Life of Harold E. Hughes.
Kim Phuong Taylor faced up to five years in prison on 52 counts of voter fraud. The federal judge worried the public might see the case as politically motivated.
A man of working class origins who overcame severe alcoholism to become the governor of Iowa and a U.S. Senator — on this episode of River to River, the life of Harold Hughes.
Iowa received its first blanket of snow over the holiday weekend.
What is it like to be a U.S. Secret Service special agent?
John Bay, born in Shenandoah, served as a U.S. Secret Service special agent assigned to the White House during the Nixon and Ford administrations. He recounts his life and career, including preventing an assassination attempt.
What is it like to be a U.S. Secret Service special agent?
In October 1967, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at Grinnell College, six months before his assassination. King encourages people implores the audience to "remain awake during the revolution."
World heavyweight champion boxer Muhammad Ali was at the top of his game in the 1960s. After Ali refused to serve in the Vietnam War for religious reasons, he was arrested and convicted of draft evasion, facing five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. His boxing license was suspended, and he was barred from leaving the country. With his boxing career on hold and his future uncertain, the champ began speaking at college campuses around the country, including in Iowa City.
On the week of Memorial Day, listen back to River to River's conversations about veterans who heeded the call to serve the nation and didn't return.