On this River to River: how AI can be wielded as a tool and the concerns that make the future murky. While researching a possible investment, former Meta employee Tony Eastin came across what appeared to be a reputable source: a small but long-standing newspaper, The Clayton County Register. But the site he opened contained only AI-generated content. His investigation found several expired domains of established news sites have been snatched up by similar "dark PR firms" — public relations with a disinformation model — using the reputation of these URLs to fuel their disinformation campaigns. Host Ben Kieffer speaks with Eastin about the risks posed by AI disinformation.
Then Drake University professor Martin Roth, who co-created Drake's AI major and minor, and University of Iowa professor of rhetoric Justin Cosner, who teaches a class on journalism and AI discuss innovation and ethics.
This episode of River to River was originally produced March 28, 2024.
- Tony Eastin, trust & safety consultant
- Justin Cosner, lecturer of rhetoric, University of Iowa
- Martin Roth, professor of philosophy, Drake University