Fewer than 10 gray foxes have been confirmed in Iowa. State wildlife officials say a female they’re calling GF2 may reveal clues to understand the canines' decline and help the state come up with a recovery plan.
The recent outbreaks at several poultry operations in northwest Iowa are connected to a virus circulating in wild birds. A different strain infected 13 dairies and 3 poultry operations in late May and June.
Since 2000, a small team at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources has been collecting, cleaning and distributing seeds to reconstruct prairies across the state. One of their longest running partners to help fill orders is Iowa’s Department of Corrections.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said nitrate and nitrite levels in six sections of the Cedar, Des Moines, Iowa, Raccoon and South Skunk rivers exceed safe drinking water standards and need to be curtailed.
The Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Iowa State University are working together to boost the survival rate of young Blanding's turtles, which are threatened in Iowa.
Officials with the Iowa DNR investigated a jellyfish native to China in rural Guthrie County. Meanwhile, Oskaloosa Schools reported a student found the freshwater creatures while fishing in Mahaska County.
Archery hunting season started Oct 1, but with new restrictions in western Iowa. Most counties are seeing increasing restrictions on doe harvest, with some counties not allowing any.
Millions of dollars in county conservation funding are at stake for some Iowa voters during the Nov. 5 general election.
The Iowa DNR is helping to reduce environmental hazards and waste from entering landfills through the Derelict Building Grant Program.
Host Charity Nebbe and wildlife biologist Jim Pease observe the prairie chicken mating dance and discuss the species' precarious situation in Iowa on this encore episode.