A conservation agronomist is an expert in soil management and crop production who helps farmers use sustainable agriculture practices. Conservation agronomists are getting easier to find, and host Charity Nebbe will talk to two of them. Ruth McCabe is a conservation manager with Heartland Co-op and Mike Gilman is the conservation agronomy lead with the Iowa Soybean Association.
Later in the hour, the Iowa Department of Education recently released a draft of Iowa’s K-12 science standards. Adjustments include changes in verbiage from “evolution” to “biological change over time” and “climate change” becomes “climate trends.” Some of the scientists who were tasked with developing the new standards say the draft doesn’t reflect their work. IPR's assistant news director Grant Gerlock has been following developments on the new science curriculum.
- Ruth McCabe, conservation manager, Heartland Co-op
- Mike Gilman, conservation agronomy lead, Iowa Soybean Association Research Center for Farming Innovation
- Jeff Nordine, associate professor of science education, University of Iowa College of Education
- Grant Gerlock, assistant news director, IPR