Mrs. Dr. Rebecca Keck of Davenport pulled her family out of poverty by selling her healing tonics in the 1870s but was seen as a quack, even in her family, generations later. At least until her great-great-granddaughter Greta Nettleton uncovered her family's lost history and shared her findings in a 2013 book, The Quack's Daughter: A True Story about the Private Life of a Victorian College Girl.
She continued her research into medical history and returns to Talk of Iowa to share with host Charity Nebbe prominent women in 19th-century medicine, many tied to the University of Iowa— the first co-education medical school in the country.
Then, Nebbe speaks with author and Iowa Writer's Workshop graduate Sabrina Orah Mark about her memoir, Happily: A Personal History with Fairytales.
- Greta Nettleton, author, medical historian
- Sabrina Orah Mark, writer and poet