Steve Vockrodt
Investigative Editor, Midwest Newsroom-
Packers Sanitation Services, based in Wisconsin, paid $1.5 million to the U.S. Department of Labor after an investigation found it employed children in dangerous jobs in eight different states.
It's not trials, but plea bargains, that resolve most criminal cases. But new research examining those negotiations finds big problems with plea deals.
The contract for deed option is marketed as a way for people who can’t get a conventional mortgage to realize the dream of owning a home. But more often than not, buyers do not end up as homeowners. And, most Midwestern states provide little, if any, consumer protection to prevent abuse.
El contrato de arrendamiento se comercializa de forma que las personas que no pueden obtener un crédito hipotecario puedan realizar su sueño de poseer una vivienda. Pero la mayoría de las veces, los compradores no acaban siendo propietarios. Además, la mayoría de los estados de la zona central del país ofrecen poca, o ninguna, protección para evitar el abuso al consumidor.
Sen. Josh Hawley greeted demonstrators on Jan. 6, 2021 and refused to certify election results. In Missouri, Hawley has faced little, if anything, in terms of a political downside for his actions.
Overland Park trucking company got $700 million from the CARES Act after support from Trump officialA congressional subcommittee is asking for records that would show any communications between Trump White House staffers and representatives of Overland Park, Kansas, trucking company Yellow Corporation. The committee wants to know why Yellow got a $700 million CARES Act loan.