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Trump Attacks Clinton "Deplorables" Remark; Promises Rollback Of EPA Regs

John Pemble/IPR
Donald Trump spoke in Clive Tuesday, his fourth visit to Iowa since the GOP convention.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was back in Iowa today, sticking close to his prepared remarks and continuing to go after his rival Hillary Clinton over comments she made about his supporters over the weekend.

At a rally in the Des Moines suburb of Clive, Trump blasted Clinton for putting half of his supporters in a “basket of deplorables”.

“While my opponent slanders you as deplorable and irredeemable, I call you hardworking American patriots and want a better future for all of our people,” he said.

Trump spoke to several Iowa issues, saying as president he’ll roll back EPA regulations that he says are hurting Iowa farmers.  He also said he’ll support the Renewable Fuel Standard which mandates how much corn-based ethanol is in the nation’s gasoline supply.

Recent polls show Trump and Clinton locked in a tight battle for Iowa’s six electoral votes.

Later Tuesday in Philadelphia, Trump expects to unveil what his campaign calls a plan for affordable childcare, which he says will allow parents to deduct the average cost of child care from their taxes.

The plan would not be available for couples earning more than $500,000.

Trump told his Iowa supporters his daughter Ivanka is behind the plan.

“She is the one has been pushing for it so hard,” he said.  “’Daddy, daddy we have to do this’. And it’s true she’s very smart and she’s right.”

An adviser to Hillary Clinton released a statement calling Trump’s plan regressive and insufficient.

This was Trump’s fourth stop in Iowa since securing the Republican presidential nomination in July. 

He also attended a private fundraiser ahead of the rally.

Clay Masters is the senior politics reporter for MPR News.