No novel, poem or essay drips from the pen fully formed. The process of writing is a process of revision. In workshops, writers get to watch drafts evolve into finished pieces. Two writers from the same fiction MFA program decided they wanted to bring that insight into the writing process outside the cloistered workshop.
On this episode of Talk of Iowa, host Charity Nebbe speaks with Rachel Yoder and Mark Polanzak, co-editors of draft: the journal of process. In its seventh issue, we see big-name writers like Carmen Maria Machado and Ursula K. Le Guin opening up their drawers to show early versions of celebrated work.
Later in the show, IPR reporter Kassidy Arena talks about her work at Main Street School in Norwalk mentoring aspiring journalists.
- Rachel Yoder, co-editor of draft: the journal of process and author of Nightbitch
- Mark Polanzak, co-editor of draft: the journal of process and author of The Ok End of Funny Town and Pop!
- Kassidy Arena, covers Iowa’s Latino and Spanish-speaking communities for IPR