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Hundreds Of Latino Families To Receive Thanksgiving Drop-Off

Zuli Garcia, founder of Latinx Knock and Drop, said she prepared about 200 boxes full of not only Thanksgiving meals, but other essentials like toilet paper and hand sanitizer. She said the organization is busier than ever as the holiday season arrives. "We have more families in need because as we can see, the pandemic is coming back stronger," Garcia said.
Luis Bonilla
Latinx Knock and Drop
Zuli Garcia, founder of Latinx Knock and Drop, said she prepared about 200 boxes full of not only Thanksgiving meals, but other essentials like toilet paper and hand sanitizer. She said the organization is busier than ever as the holiday season arrives. "We have more families in need because as we can see, the pandemic is coming back stronger," Garcia said.

About 200 Latino families in need will be able to make Thanksgiving dinners thanks to one organization that has figured out how to safely drop off resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Zuli Garcia founded Latinx Knock and Drop when the pandemic started, to make sure Latino families in Des Moines and the surrounding area had enough food during a time of high unemployment and health risks. Garcia said it’s especially important for Latino families to have Thanksgiving meals because it promotes equality.

“Kids are always talking about oh, you know, we did this for Thanksgiving. I don't want my kids to feel left out," Garcia said. "I don't want my kids to feel like well, we didn't do anything for Thanksgiving. I had cereal on water for Thanksgiving.”

Garcia said she has seen this problem predominantly in Latino communities, which have had higher unemployment rates than non-Latinos during the pandemic, and also face a language barrier to accessing other resources.

She said eating a Thanksgiving dinner is about more than eating turkey. It’s about making sure Latino immigrants feel welcome and included.

“I just think that it's important for children to feel part of where they're at. And Thanksgiving is a huge thing here in the United States," Garcia said.

Knock and Drop will help about 200 families have a Thanksgiving dinner, along with providing other resources like toilet paper and hand sanitizer.

En Español

La traducción de Hola Iowa.

Cerca de 200 familias latinas en necesidad pudieron hacer sus cenas del Día de Acción de Gracias con el apoyo de una organización que ha sabido cómo entregar estos recursos de manera segura durante la pandemia de COVID-19.

Zuli García fundó Latinx Knock and Drop cuando comenzó la pandemia, para asegurarse de que las familias latinas de Des Moines y sus alrededores tuvieran suficiente comida durante una época de alto desempleo y riesgos para la salud. García dijo que es particularmente importante que las familias latinas tengan comidas de Acción de Gracias porque promueve la igualdad.

“Los niños siempre están hablando de oh, ya sabes, hicimos esto para el Día de Acción de Gracias. No quiero que mis hijos se sientan excluidos”, dijo García. “No quiero que nuestros hijos se sientan mal, no hicimos nada para el Día de Acción de Gracias”. Tomé cereales con agua para el día de Acción de Gracias”.

García dijo que ha visto este problema predominantemente en las comunidades latinas, que han tenido tasas de desempleo más altas que las de los no latinos durante la pandemia, y también se enfrentan a una barrera lingüística para acceder a otros recursos.

Dijo que tener una cena de Acción de Gracias es más que comer pavo. Se trata de asegurarse de que los inmigrantes latinos se sientan bienvenidos e incluidos.

“Creo que es importante que los niños se sientan parte del lugar donde están. Y el Día de Acción de Gracias es algo muy importante aquí en los Estados Unidos”, dijo García.

Knock and Drop ayudó a unas 200 familias a tener una cena de Acción de Gracias, además de proporcionar otros recursos como papel higiénico y desinfectante para las manos.

Kassidy was a reporter based in Des Moines