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State-Run Veterans Home Tops All Iowa Care Facilities In COVID-19 Outbreaks

Five of the Iowa nursing homes deemed by the government to be among the worst in the nation have met that criteria for at least two years.
Iowa Department on Aging and Long-Term Care Ombudsman's Office
More than 50 Iowa nursing homes have experienced a COVID-19 outbreak since the vaccine roll-out in December, and the home with the highest number of outbreaks is run by the state itself.

More than 50 Iowa nursing homes have experienced a COVID-19 outbreak since the vaccine roll-out in December, and the home with the highest number of outbreaks is run by the state itself.

The Iowa Veterans Home has experienced five outbreaks over the course of the pandemic, more than any other long-term care facility in Iowa, according to newly released data from the Iowa Department of Public Health. It also has racked up one of the highest total number of infections. During the first 17 months of the pandemic, the IVH has been in outbreak status the equivalent of seven months.

The Marshalltown facility, which is home to roughly 400 veterans, now has a vaccine-acceptance rate among the staff of 70%, according to federal officials. The home employs roughly 865 workers.

Although IDPH reports only combined staff-and-resident infection numbers, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services breaks out and publicly reports resident-only infections. CMS says there have been 31 resident infections at the IVH to date, which suggests that state-employed workers account for more than three-fourths of the infections at the facility: 115 cases out of 146.

The veterans home now ranks fourth on the list of Iowa nursing homes with the most COVID-19 infections. The Iowa home with the highest number of infections over the past 17 months is the Good Shepherd Health Center in Cerro Gordo County, where 248 workers or residents have been infected as the result of two separate outbreaks at the home, according to the IDPH data.

Placing second on that list is the Risen Son Christian Village in Pottawattamie County, with 170 infections, The Good Samaritan Home of Ottumwa in Wapello County places third, with 159 infections.

Two of the five outbreaks at IVH occurred after the vaccine rollout in mid-December. A total of five residents of the home have died from COVID-19, according to state and federal officials.

State has revised COVID-19 case data

COVID-19 case counts at the IVH and other Iowa facilities have changed over time. For example, last year IDPH reported the first two outbreaks at the veterans home accounted for 67 infections. It has since revised that number to 48.

Overall in Iowa, there have been at least 59 COVID-19 outbreaks in Iowa nursing homes since the vaccine was first made available to health care workers in mid-December 2020.

Currently, there are two Iowa homes in “outbreak” status, IDPH says, which the agency defines as three or more infections among staff and residents:

  • The Hubbard Care Center in Hardin County, where four residents and/or workers are reported to be infected. A previous outbreak at the home last year resulted in 58 infections.
  • The Montrose Health Care Center, where 12 residents and/or workers are infected. A previous outbreak at the home last fall resulted in 40 infections.

Four of the 11 Iowa homes that have had three separate outbreaks over the course of the pandemic are located in Polk County: Bishop Drumm Retirement Center, with 121 infections; Fleur Heights Care Center, 81 infections; Park Ridge Specialty Care, with 80 infections; and Calvin Community, with 79 infections.

Worst outbreaks

Here’s a look at the 10 biggest COVID-19 outbreaks at Iowa nursing homes during the pandemic:

  1. The Good Samaritan Home of Ottumwa, Wapello County: 151 infections (July-December 2020)
  2. Ravenwood Specialty Care, Black Hawk County: 136 infections (October-December 2020)
  3. Longview Home, Harrison County: 132 infections (September-December 2020)
  4. Good Shepherd Health Center, Cerro Gordo County: 128 infections (October 2020-January 2021)
  5. Good Shepherd Health Center, Cerro Gordo County: 120 infections (June-August 2020)
  6. Heritage Specialty Care, Linn County: 114 infections (March-May 2020)
  7. The Good Samaritan Home of Davenport, Scott County: 113 infections (November 2020-February 2021)
  8. Luther Manor Communities, Dubuque County: 107 infections (October-December 2020)
  9. Hiawatha Care Center, Linn County: 103 infections (August-December 2020)
  10. Risen Son Christian Village, Pottawattamie County: 103 infections (October 2020-January 2021)

Most infections

These are the Iowa nursing homes with the greatest number of infections during the pandemic:

  1. Good Shepherd Health Center, Cerro Gordo County: 248 infections from two outbreaks.
  2. Risen Son Christian Village, Pottawattamie County: 170 infections from three outbreaks.
  3. The Good Samaritan Home of Ottumwa, Wapello County: 159 infections from two outbreaks.
  4. The Iowa Veterans Home, Marshall County: 146 infections from five outbreaks.
  5. Ravenwood Specialty Care, Black Hawk County: 136 infections from one outbreak.
  6. Longview Home, Harrison County: 132 infections from one outbreak.
  7. Bishop Drumm Retirement Center: 121 infections from three outbreaks.
  8. University Park Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Polk County: 117 infections from two outbreaks.
  9. Newaldaya Lifescapes, Black Hawk County: 116 infections from two outbreaks.
  10. Heritage Specialty Care, Linn County: 114 infections from one outbreak.

Recurring outbreaks

These are the Iowa nursing homes with the greatest number of outbreaks during the pandemic:

  1. The Iowa Veterans Home, Marshall County: Five outbreaks totaling 146 infections.
  2. Risen Son Christian Village, Pottawattamie County: Three outbreaks totaling 170 infections.
  3. Bishop Drumm Retirement Center, Polk County: Three outbreaks totaling 121 infections.
  4. Fleur Heights Care Center, Polk County: Three outbreaks totaling 81 infections.
  5. Park Ridge Specialty Care, Polk County: Three outbreaks totaling 80 infections.
  6. Calvin Community, Polk County: Three outbreaks totaling 79 infections.
  7. Alverno Senior Care Community, Clinton County: Three outbreaks totaling 65 infections.
  8. Marian Home, Webster County: Three outbreaks totaling 69 infections.
  9. Vista Woods Care Center, Wapello County: Three outbreaks totaling 53 infections.
  10. Manorcare of West Des Moines, Dallas County: Three outbreaks totaling 18 infections.

Post-vaccine outbreaks

Here’s a look at each of the nursing home outbreaks in Iowa that began on or after Dec. 15, 2020, when vaccines first became available in Iowa:

  • Adair County – The Good Samaritan Home of Fontanelle, Feb. 7, 2021, through March 14, 2021: 49 infections. (A previous outbreak at the home in November and December of 2020 resulted in nine infections.)
  • Adair County – Greenfield Rehabilitation & Health Care Center, Dec. 15, 2020, through Jan. 21, 2021: 28 infections.
  • Allamakee County – The Good Samaritan Home of Waukon, Jan. 12, 2021, through March 5, 2021: 31 infections.Audubon County – The Friendship Home Association, June 1, 2021, through July 2, 2021: 14 infections.
  • Boone County – Madrid Home for the Aging, Dec. 26, 2020, through Feb. 15, 2021: 10 infections.
  • Buchanan County – ABCM Rehabilitation Center of Independence, West Campus, Dec. 18, 2020, through Jan. 19, 2021: 10 infections.
  • Butler County – Rehabilitation Center of Allison, Jan. 3, 2021, through Feb. 9, 2021: 21 infections.
  • Cerro Gordo County – Heritage Care & Rehabilitation Center, May 20, 2021, through June 30, 2021: 12 infections.
  • Chickasaw County – Linn Haven Rehab & Health Care Center, Dec. 22, 2020, through Feb. 4, 2021: Nine infections.
  • Clarke County – Southern Hills Specialty Care, Dec. 16, 2020, through Feb. 15, 2021: 32 infections.
  • Clay County – St. Luke’s Lutheran Nursing Home, Dec. 29, 2020, through Feb. 1, 2021: 12 infections.
  • Clinton County: Eagle Point Health Care Center, Dec. 27, 2020, through Feb. 4, 2021: 16 infections. (A previous outbreak in August and September of 2020 resulted in 29 infections.)
  • Dallas County – Independent Villages of Waukee, Dec. 17, 2020, through Feb. 19, 2021: 32 infections.
  • Dallas County – Pearl Valley Rehabilitation and Nursing at Perry, Jan. 4, 2021, through Feb. 11, 2021: 32 infections. (A previous outbreak in April and May of 2020 resulted in eight infections.)
  • Dubuque County – Grand Meadows, Dec. 29, 2021, through Feb. 15, 2021: Nine infections. (A previous outbreak in July and August of 2020 resulted in three infections.)
  • Emmet County – The Good Samaritan Home of Estherville: Dec. 17, 2020, through Feb. 8, 2021: 32 infections. (A previous outbreak from late September through early November of 2020 resulted in 49 infections.)
  • Fayette County – Oelwein Health Care Center, Dec. 21, 2020, through Jan. 28, 2021: 67 infections.
  • Guthrie County – The New Homestead Care Center, Dec. 17, 2020, through Jan. 24, 2021: 10 infections.
  • Hamilton County – Stratford Specialty Care, Dec. 21, 2020, through Feb. 8, 2021: 39 infections.
  • Hardin County – Heritage Care Center, Dec. 19, 2020, through Jan. 29, 2021: 10 infections.
  • Hardin County — Hubbard Care Center, July 27, 2021, through Aug. 5, 2021: Four infections. (A previous outbreak from early October through mid-December 2020 resulted in 58 infections.)
  • Hardin County – Scenic Manor, Jan. 25, 2021, through March 1, 2021: Six infections. (A previous outbreak from early December 2020 through early January 2021 resulted in seven infections.)
  • Jasper County – Nelson Manor, Jan. 17, 2021, through Feb. 14, 2021: Four infections.
  • Johnson County – Briarwood Health Care Center, Dec. 26, 2020, through Feb. 13, 2021: 33 infections.
  • Lee County – Donnellson Health Center, Jan. 25, 2021, through March 8, 2021: 14 infections.
  • Lee County – Montrose Health Care Center, July 25, 2021, through August 5, 2021: 12 infections. (A previous outbreak in October and November of 2020 resulted in 40 infections.)
  • Lee County – The Madison, Jan. 4, 2021, through Feb. 24, 2021: 42 infections.
  • Madison County – Azria Health of Winterset, Dec. 22, 2020, through Feb. 18, 2021: 24 infections.
  • Madison County — QHC Winterset-North, Jan. 21, 2021, through March 10, 2021: 16 infections. (A previous outbreak from October through December of 2020 resulted in 12 infections.)
  • Mahaska County – Northern Mahaska Specialty Care, Dec. 24, 2020, through Feb. 2, 2021: 13 infections.
  • Marion County – West Ridge Specialty Care, Dec. 16, 2020, through Feb. 18, 2021: 67 infections. (A previous outbreak from late August through early October of 2020 resulted in nine infections.)
  • Marshall County – Accura Healthcare of Marshalltown, Jan. 19, 2021, through March 9, 2021: 11 infections. (A previous outbreak from late April through June of 2020 resulted in 54 infections.)
  • Marshall County – The Iowa Veterans Home. The home has had two separate outbreaks occur since Dec. 15, 2020. The first, from Jan. 13 through Feb. 24, resulted in 16 infections. The second, from June 22 through July 23, resulted in 10 infections. (Three previous outbreaks at the home during 2020 resulted in a total of 120 infections.)
  • Monona County – Pleasant View Care Center, Jan. 4, 2021, through March 1, 2021: 54 infections.
  • Monroe County – The Monroe Care Center, Dec. 29, 2020, through Feb. 8, 2021: 49 infections.
  • Monroe County – Oakwood Specialty Care, Jan. 14, 2021, through Feb. 18, 2021: Three infections.
  • Montgomery County – Accura Healthcare of Stanton, Jan. 19, 2021, through March 9, 2021: Nine infections. (A previous outbreak in November and December of 2020 resulted in 16 infections.)
  • Montgomery County – The Good Samaritan Home of Villisca, Feb. 1, 2021, through March 11, 2021: Nine infections. (A previous outbreak in May and June of 2020 resulted in four infections.)
  • Muscatine County – Lutheran Living Senior Campus, Jan. 14, 2021, through March 8, 2021: Eight infections. (A previous outbreak from early April through early June of 2020 resulted in 33 infections.)
  • Palo Alto County – West Bend Health and Rehabilitation, Dec. 27, 2020, through Feb. 1, 2021: 16 infections.
  • Plymouth County – Akron Care Center, Jan. 1, 2021, through Feb. 1, 2021: Five infections. (A previous outbreak in September and October of 2020 resulted in 11 infections.)
  • Pocahontas County – Laurens Care Center, Dec. 15, 2020, through Jan. 28, 2021: 26 infections.
  • Polk County – Calvin Community, Dec. 17, 2020, through Jan. 25, 2021: Seven infections. (A previous outbreak in August and September of 2020 resulted in 51 infections. Before that, an outbreak in May and June of 2020 resulted in 21 infections.)
  • Polk County – Manorcare of West Des Moines, Dec. 28, 2020, through Feb. 7, 2021: Four infections. (A previous outbreak from August through October of 2020 resulted in 11 infections. Before that, an outbreak from late April through early June of 2020 resulted in three infections.)
  • Polk County – Mill Pond, Dec. 21, 2020, through Feb. 4, 2021: 22 infections. (A previous outbreak from late May through early July of 2020 resulted in 10 infections.)
  • Polk County – Parkridge Specialty Care, Jan. 13, 2021, through March 4, 2021: Six infections. (A previous outbreak from November 2020 through January 2021 resulted in 53 infections. Before that, an outbreak that lasted from July 2020 through October 2020 resulted in 21 infections.)
  • Polk County – Sunny View Care Center, Jan. 19, 2021, through March 2, 2021: Seven infections. (A previous outbreak from June through August of 2020 resulted in 66 infections.)
  • Polk County – Urbandale Health Care Center. This facility has had two separate outbreaks occur since Dec. 15, 2020. The first was Jan. 29 through March 11 and resulted in nine infections. The second was from March 19 through May 12 and resulted in 21 infections.
  • Pottawattamie County – Risen Son Christian Village, April 26, 2021, through May 31, 2021: 11 infections. (A previous outbreak from October 2020 through January 2021 resulted in 103 infections. Before that, an outbreak from June through September of 2020 resulted in 56 infections.)
  • Ringgold County – Mount Ayr Health Care Center, Dec. 28, 2020, through Feb. 12, 2021: 44 infections.
  • Scott County – Manorcare of Davenport, Jan. 14, 2021, through March 9, 2021: 21 infections.
  • Scott County – Manorcare of Davenport-Utica Ridge, Feb. 8, 2021, through March 15, 2021: Five infections. (A previous outbreak from November 2020 through January 2021 resulted in 65 infections.)
  • Story County – Northridge Village, Jan. 4, 2021, through Feb. 8, 2021: Four infections.
  • Wapello County – The Good Samaritan Home of Ottumwa, March 12, 2021, through April 24, 2021: Eight infections. (A previous outbreak that lasted from July 30, 2020, through Dec. 29, 2020, resulted in 151 infections.)
  • Wapello County – Vista Woods Care Center, Jan. 29, 2021, through March 17, 2021: 13 infections. (A previous outbreak in October and November of 2020 resulted in four infections. Before that, an outbreak from mid-May through early July of 2020 resulted in 36 infections.)
  • Warren County – Westview of Indianola, Jan. 6, 2021, through Feb. 18, 2021: 55 infections.
  • Washington County – Pearl Valley Rehab and Health Care Center, Dec. 16, 2020, through Feb. 8, 2021: 57 infections.
  • Webster County – The Marian Home, June 21, 2021, through July 22, 2021: Six infections. (A previous outbreak from September through December of 2020 resulted in 53 infections. Before that, an outbreak from late July through early September of 2020 resulted in 10 infections.)
  • Wright County – Clarion Wellness and Rehab Center, May 9, 2021, through June 14, 2021: Six infections. (A previous outbreak from November of 2020 through January of 2021 resulted in 16 infections.)

This article was republished from the Iowa Capital Dispatch.