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Why support a radio station?

Your money supports a local non-profit, not corporate profits.

Studio One is part of an independent non-profit. We’re not beholden to commercial interests, corporate playlists or complex algorithms. Your gift creates a place for all Iowans to discover music, for free.

You help create a place for local bands and musicians.

Studio One is the only local radio station that plays Iowa artists every hour. We also present and sponsor live music throughout the state. When you contribute, you help ensure there’s a place for Iowa artists to be heard.

You’re joining a larger music community.

We’re not just a station. We’re a community of music fans who love that feeling of discovering a new band or song. Over 86% of Iowa Public Radio funding comes from individuals, businesses and organizations in our communities. As a member, you’re connected to your fellow music lovers and the music you love to hear.

How else can I help?

There are so many ways to give. Contribute money or investment funds. Donate an old car. Give away some property.

You can also donate your time and passion for music and become a member of the Studio One street team.