After divorce number two, getting married again was the last thing on Niki Boesen-Bonker’s mind. “I would have said, no way, over my dead body,” Boesen-Bonker says. But a few years later she fell in love and decided, once again, to take the plunge.
What does it mean to find love and companionship after the end of a marriage? On this episode of Talk of Iowa, host Charity Nebbe is joined by Iowans who share their story of finding love again.
Jacob Priest, , Assistant Professor of Couple and Family Therapy in the University of Iowa College of Education with a complementary appointment in the Carver College of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry also joins the conversation to explore the joys and difficulties or marrying again, and the latest research on marriage and divorce.
- Jacob Priest, Assistant Professor of Couple and Family Therapy in the University of Iowa College of Education with a complementary appointment in the Carver College of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry, and Director of the LGBTQ Counseling Clinic at the University of Iowa
- Niki Boesen-Bonker, Des Moines
- Tom Rocklin and Barbara McFadden, Iowa City