Wade in the Water
is a 26-part series, originally released in 1994, that celebrates African American sacred music and traditions.
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The networks that helped to unify the African American community as a people and bring the music to a national audience.
Song List
Harmonizing Four, "Wade in the Water"
Pilgrim Travelers, "Jesus Met the Woman at the Well"
Pilgrim Travelers, "Gospel Boogie"
Soul Stirrers, "Walk Around"
Soul Stirrers, "Jesus, I'll Never Forget"
Sam Cooke, "Until Jesus Calls Me Home"
The Chosen, "Prayer for the Doomed"
Spirit of Memphis Quartet, Carnation Milk Spot
Spirit of Memphis Quartet, "Every Day and Every Hour"
Five Blind Boys of Mississippi, "Our Father"
Five Blind Boys of Mississippi, "Save a Seat for Me"
Five Blind Boys of Mississippi, "On the Battlefield"
Sensational Nightingales, "Somewhere to Lay My Head"
Sensational Nightingales, "See How They Done My Lord"
Swan Silvertones, "My Rock"
Swan Silvertones, "Heavenly Light Shine on Me"
Dixie Hummingbirds, "Christian Automobile"
Various Quartets, "Go Out to the Programs"
Wade in the Water
was produced by Judi Moore Latta and Sonja Williams.
Stream A Selection Of Songs From The Series
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